"The guide was very friendly while I couldn't say anything about those two drivers since they both remained silent for the whole tour. The duck hovercraft was well maintenance, and clean. Its service also excellent, each Duckies even got free drinks and duck's beak shape whistler." - Review Stream
"I have been on the Duck Tours in Boston and London and this is my second favorite ride. It's a unique experience to ride in a piece of WW II history and that alone is worth the price of admission." - Peripatetic_Engineer, New Orleans, Louisiana
"The Singapore Ducktours (Duck Boat Ride) is perhaps the most fun and enjoyable moment in our SG-KL trip. It's a 60-minute ride which starts with a city tour and then the car-boat splashes to a river for a harbour tour. One tip is that you should listen carefully to the commentary of the Hippo Tour guides because at some point in your trip, there will be games, and those who answered correctly will be given freebies." - Asia Travel Bug Blog
"The Duck tour was great. You start on land and then go into the water and then back on land all in the one vehicle. It is a guided tour around some of Singapore's most popular sights. Our guide, Chris, was very informative and pleasant. Definately worth the money and would do it again on our next Singapore trip." - Clare and Shaun
"シンガポールフライヤーとのコンボセットを購入しました。一人49ドルです。 水陸両用の車に乗るのは初めてで、そのまま海に入っていけるのは面白い経験でした。 ガイドは英語ですがフレンドリーで、参加したお客さん達にどこから来たのかと聞いて回ったりしてました。 海側からマーライオンとシンガポールの街並みを見られて良かったです。"- Rose_Mari2010, Japan
"観光名所のいいところを、なかなか乗る機会のないかわった乗り物でいろいろ見て回れて、とても楽しかったです。お勧めです。" - norinori5, Tokyo, Japan